

123 US Air Servicemen and two balloonists were forced down behind enemy lines.  Many of them were housed at Villingen, a POW camp near the Swiss border.  When defeat became evident the German guards left their posts and the POWs were left to fend for themselves and return to France by their own means.  Many had to walk the 450 miles.


American POWs

Captured US Engineers

Indiana War Memorial Archives

POWView of German prisoners captured in the offensive at Brancourt, France, carrying out the American wounded of the 118th Infantry Regiment, 30th Division.jpg

View of German prisoners captured in the offensive at Brancourt, France, carrying out the American wounded of the 118th Infantry Regiment, 30th Division

US Signal Corps Photo


The following are stories from post war interviews with WW1 veterans:

James Thomas Ward, Co. B, 102nd Reg., Infantry, 

Decatur County, Indiana

Indianapolis Star

"James T. Ward of Letts, Indiana, says a book in his pocket stopped shrapnel.

"Held by Huns Six Months.

"Young man, who ate horse meat and cow beets is back in Indiana home.

"GREENSBURG, Indiana, May 4, James T. Ward of Letts, one of two Decatur County men captured by the Huns in the world war, has arrived home and told of six months spent in two prison camps at Laon and at Camp Rastatt.  He ate horse meat and cow beets once a day as a prisoner at Laon.  Coffee made of acorns was the only breakfast given to the men and a cup of tea for supper, with sometimes soup for dessert.  At Camp Rastatt, he fared better, but the food with unwholesome, and he lost flesh.  But for the fact the Red Cross sent food from Switzerland would have starved, he said.

"Ward enlisted in Paris, Illinois where he was employed with two other men.  The three remaining together, even going over the top, and all were captured. Ward was taken prisoner five days after entering the front lines, and for six months, he was in the Huns prisons, being released December 6, 1918.  He was wounded at the battle of Chateau-Thierry and taken prisoner.

"Bible Saves His Life: He said the German surgeon dressed his wound, inflicted by shrapnel in the chest, only twice.  Ward said that one of the steel particles struck a Bible in his inside pocket.  He said he could hardly walk when released Camp Rastatt.  He is apparently in good health now.  Ward stated that he received no letters while overseas, and learned when coming home his father had died while he was still in France.

"Frank Wilmer, another Decatur County boy, who was taken prisoner, was released the same time, but his division is not returned from France.

"After being released from prison, Ward went into Switzerland.  He was cared for by the Red Cross.  He has high praise for this organization and the Salvation Army.  He has one brother in the Marines who is still overseas."

Harry Frederick Gortemiller

Ripley County, Indiana

“On the 20th day of September, we broke through the Hindenburg line and opened the road to final victory.  On that day we took Bellicourt and Nauroy and sustained the desperate struggle for Bony.  After that day, through three weeks of almost continuous fighting, we advanced from one success to another, capturing several thousand prisoners and many guns and took Preurant, Busigny, Vaux-Andigny, St. Souplet, and Mazingheim.”

Drawing of an attempted escape attempt through a tunnel.  Details unknown  

Freedom's Triumph photo

POW's German

German Prisoners of War

"America's Freedom" photos

(Both top and bottom photos)

POWGerman Prisoners

Prisoner of War Medal

awarded to former American prisoners of Germany

Prisoner of War Medal awarded to former American prisoners

10,000,000 people, servicemen, and civilians were captured and spent time in detention camps.


The International Committee of the Red Cross offers a database:  https://grandeguerre.icrc.org/


POW Amer

American prisoners of war (POWs) from the 102nd Infantry, CNG, in German custody marching along a dirt road, April 30, 1918, near Jaulny, France, during World War I.

Photograph collected by Henry L. Graves.  US Signal Corps Photo, with information provided by P. Fazzini.

Russell Caldwell Harrison, Private, Ambulance Corps, 

Tippecanoe County, Indiana

Entered service Aug. 1, 1917.  Stationed at Allentown, Pa. Sailed for France in May 1918.  Was taken a prisoner by the Germans while in active service on the 28th of May, 1918.  Was in a prison camp for almost seven months. Through the kindness and efficiency of the Red Cross, he was kept from starving until his release in the late fall of 1918.  Born at Lafayette, Ind., June 26, 1895, son of Mrs. Rose Harrison.  Home is LaFayette.Ind.

George Swenson, Pvt., Army, 

Howard County, Indiana

Served in France and was taken prisoner to Germany early in the war. He was only 21 years of age, but when he was released after the armistice that he was said to look as old as a man of 50 years. He claimed the prison horrors were indescribable.

Vanderburgh County News June 1, 1918

George Norris Williams of Evansville of the 15th Field Artillery, missing since May 2 in France. His parents live at Henderson, Kentucky although young Williams had been working at the local Mercantile for years.

"Dear Mrs. Elliott:

In reply to your letter of the fifth asking for information concerning George Norris Williams.  He enlisted in Battery E., 15th Field Artillery, Regular Army in Evansville, Indiana on May 2, 1917.  Sailed for France, December 12, 1917. After two months of active service, was captured while on observation duty, by eight German soldiers disguised in French officer’s uniforms; on the night of May 2, 1918.  Was taken to Limburg, Germany but remained there only a short time; was transferred to many different camps.  It was from Darmstadt that he was released on December 8, 1918. After spending about seven months in various hospitals in France; he landed in Newport News, Virginia.  He received his discharge at Camp Taylor, Louisville, Kentucky.  He then returned to the home of his family in Henderson, Kentucky.  He is now in Evansville, Indiana.

Sincerely, his sister, Elizabeth Williams"


Myrtle M Parker Richardson

Lawrence County, Indiana 

Army Nurse Corps 

Served as a nurse at Meuse-Argonne.  "My impression of the war wasn't a very happy one, as no war would be. But the preparation of us in New York for overseas duty was a great help in a lot of ways.  the commander of the ship on which we went from Liverpool to France, a major in the British Army, gave us a talk before we landed. He said their boys had been in so long and had such a hard service they have lost heart, but they were revived when he saw the Spirit of the Americans.

In camp in France, a tent hospital, we had to keep every bit of light covered because of air raids. We had two young German prisoners 18 or 19 years of age. They worked as hard as we did to keep lights covered, for they didn't want any more air rates either. I was in a pneumonia ward, many of the patients wounded too. We had to keep them for nine days or two weeks. They were put on hospital trains as soon as possible and sent to the base.  One day two patients were laughing heartily and I asked about what the answer was: "Germany is fighting for control of the world, Britain control of the seas, France to protect her beautiful country and America for souvenirs! I got a big laugh out of that, for every German prisoner that came in was stripped of his buttons, decorations, etc., anything that could be kept for a souvenir."

David Persfield Freeman, Pfc., Co. K, 3rd Infantry, 

Grant County, Indiana

Received 6 Divisional citations for bravery in action.


  1. Cantigny April 25 through July 7, 1918
  2. Soissons Operations
  3. Marne Counteroffensive June
  4. Sazerais Sector August 7-25
  5. St. Mihiel September
  6. Argonne-Meuse October 1-12
  7. Operation against Mouzon November 5-6
  8. Sedan November 7-8


  1. High explosive shrapnel wound in right hip, Soissons, 7/9/1918
  2. Mustard gas 9/6/1918
  3. Trench knife wound in left cheek 5/28/1918
  4. Chlorine gas 5/25/1918
  5. Hospitalized at base hospital #20; Field hospital #12; Camp Hospital #44 and Vanderbilt hospital in Paris France, for shrapnel gas and trench knife wound
  6. “In Soissons operations, was taken prisoner by Germans while doing night patrol and held for one day and a half. Released by advancing American troops.
  7. While in dressing station #2, it was held by German aviators, 26 wounded men being killed. The rest, with myself, narrowly escaped death.”
POW house built by Germans

View of a house built by German prisoners in the German internment camp village in Hot Springs, N.C. (1917) [Photograph by: Adolph Thierbach, Hot Springs, N.C.] [originally numbered #6]

US Signal Corps Photo

POW Band

Group photograph of the Tsingtao (Qingdao) Band outside, posing with instruments ready, in the German internment camp in Hot Springs, N.C. (1917) [Photograph by: Adolph Thierbach, Hot Springs, N.C.] originally numbered #22

US Signal Corps Photo

POW Village

View of houses, gardens, a partially-constructed church, and German prisoners posing for a photograph in the German internment camp in Hot Springs, N.C. (1917) [Photograph by: Adolph Thierbach, Hot Springs, N.C., originally numbered #10

US Army Signal Corps Photo

POW German held by France

View of German prisoners of war (POWs), under the custody of the French military, marching on a dirt road somewhere in France during World War I. Caption on back of the photograph reads: “Boche [a derogatory name for a German soldier] prisoners of the French” (undated)

Photograph collected by Henry L. Graves.  US Army Signal Corps

POWPhotograph of members of the 30th Division, U.S. Army, searching German prisoners a few hundred yards behind the front line near Saint-Martin-Rivière, France, on October 17, 1918.

Photograph of members of the 30th Division, U.S. Army, searching German prisoners a few hundred yards behind the front line near Saint-Martin-Rivière, France, on October 17, 1918. 

US Army Signal Corps Photo

Snapshot of a column of German prisoners of war being marched down a street in an unidentified French town by U.S. Army soldiers during World War I. An Army soldiers on

Snapshot of a column of German prisoners of war being marched down a street in an unidentified French town by U.S. Army soldiers during World War I. 

From Rosalie A. Ferguson Collection, WWI 134, WWI Papers, Military Collection, State Archives of North Carolina, Raleigh, N.C.  US Army Signal Corps

POWGerman prisoners

"View of German prisoners captured by the 30th Division at Bellicourt, France. 1,240 prisoners passed through the barbed-wire prisoner cage during the day. The 119th Infantry Regiment, 30th Division (formerly 2nd North Carolina Infantry and detachments of the 2nd Tennessee Infantry, and the 1st North Carolina Infantry) can be seen in the background going to the battlefront to carry on the offensive. The French village of Noroy can be seen in the extreme distance in the background. Photograph taken on October 8, 1918."

US Army Signal Corps Photo

German Maltreatment of Prisoners:

Excerpt from America's War For Humanity, 1919

Prisoners set free under the terms of the armistice brought back tales of their almost unbelievably barbarous treatment in  German prison camps.  A correspondent, Philip Gibbs, describe some of them as living skeletons. Of one typical group, he says "they were so thin and weak they could scarcely walk and had dry skin through which their cheekbone stood out, and the look of men who had been buried and come to life again.  Many of them were covered with blotches.  'It was six months of starvation,' said one young man who was a mere wreck. They told me the food was so scarce and they were tortured with hunger so vile that some of them had a sort of dropsy and swelled up horribly, and died.  After they left the prison camp they were so weak and ill they can hardly hobble along; and some of them died on the way back, at the very threshold of a new life on this side of the line." 

 The following is an excerpt from America's War for Humanity, 1918.


The prisoner of war has been a conspicuous figure in the news that has come from the seething cauldron of Europe.  Many thousands of prisoners have been taken from the contending armies by their adversaries. For them, the average American reader, perusing 'Svar news" in the comfort of his security from the great conflict, has felt perhaps a grain of sorrow and wondered vaguely what horrors befell them after capture.

Early in September, the German war department sent broadcast a statement that 30,000 Russians had been taken prisoners by the German soldiers after heavy battles in East Prussia, particularly around Ortelsburg, Hohenstein, and Tannenburg. The statement mentioned the fact that among the prisoners were many Russian officers of high rank.

What is done with these prisoners, how they are handled and treated and whether high officials are punished more severely than mere privates, are questions frequently asked and seldom answered, for the procedure followed in such matters is but little known.


The international laws of warfare, embodied in The Hague conventions, the Geneva convention and the declaration of
London, contain provisions that provide expressly what manner of treatment shall be accorded prisoners of hostile nations who are taken in battle.  If these provisions of international law are lived up to, the lot of the prisoner of war is not so hard as many people have been led to believe.

After the first year of the war, however, stories of ill-treatment of prisoners in German prison camps began to be told, and before long there were many well-authenticated cases of the kind.  Inhuman treatment was reported by English and Canadian prisoners, and protests were duly made by the British government through neutral channels. The growing shortage of food in Germany was alleged as the cause of some of the complaints, but cases of actual brutality, involving cowardly physical abuse and even killing were also reported. The nation which captures its enemy's soldiers and makes prisoners of them is held entirely responsible for whatever happens and shoulders at once a responsibility that is commensurate with the number of prisoners who are taken and detained.

The law of warfare says that a prisoner must be as fair with his captors as they are with him. He must be "humanely treated," so it is prescribed, and when he is questioned by his captors he must give his true name arid the rank he holds in the army which has been defeated and of which he was once a part. Contrary to general belief, he is not stripped of  "every-thing" and thrown into a dungeon and fed on a crust of bread and a mug of stale water. His captors do not deprive him of his personal possessions, except weapons, horses, and military papers.

Furthermore, they must give him complete religious liberty, and it is specifically decreed that he must be given the opportunity to attend a church of the denomination to which he belongs. And there he may pray as much for the success of his own nation or the much-desired relief from detention as the state of his mind dictates.


The prisoner of war may be interned in a town or a fort, or even a camp, according to the convenience of his captors, but the enemy may not confine him, except, the law says, as an indispensable measure of safety," and then only as long as the circumstances make it necessary. Of course, the law gives the commanding officer considerable leeway in such matters,
for he is left to determine when the *' indispensable" occasion arises.

At other times when the prisoner is at liberty, he is subject to all the rules and regulations of the army of the government that captured him, and if he refuses to obey the rules or acts in an insubordinate manner toward the officers in command, he may be punished and disciplined according to his offense. And here it is again left to the discretion of his captors as to what measure of punishment shall be inflicted upon him.


If a prisoner of war attempts to escape and his captors are vigilant to the extent of retaking him before he leaves the territory they occupy, or before he has a chance to rejoin his own army.  He may be severely punished. On the other hand, if he eludes his captors and makes a clean getaway and his army is again unfortunate, and he is captured the second time, the perfectly good escape from previous captivity must go unpunished and he must be treated as a prisoner of war, just as though he had not made the successful dash for liberty and further glory.

The government that holds prisoners of war is chargeable with their maintenance and must provide them with food, clothing and shelter as good as that provided for its own troops. The officers of the captors are required to keep records of all the prisoners under their charge, and if relief societies, which have been extensively formed by the women of Europe and
many American women as well, wish to minister to their needs and comforts, the officers in command must afford them every
possible facility. And if the friends of prisoners or the welfare societies see fit to send them presents and clothing, medicine and other necessities, such goods must be admitted to them free of any war duty that might be imposed by the nation holding them, and the railroads owned by the government are bound to carry such supplies free of transportation charges.


Prisoners of war may be put to work by the government that captures them and the duties must be assigned with a view to their aptitude, fitness, and rank. The tasks must not be unduly severe, so as to border on cruelty, and they must have no bearing whatever on the operations of the war. The prisoners must be paid for the work they do, moreover, at a rate equal
to that being paid to the soldiers of the national army, and prisoners may be authorized to work for the public service,
for private persons or on their own account.

The wages of these prisoners, the law says, must go toward improving their condition, and the balance must be paid them
after their release, with the proper deduction for their board and keep. "When officers of hostile armies who are captured
are put to work they must get the same wage rate as is paid to the corresponding officers of the government whose captives
they are. All these moneys must be ultimately refunded by their own governments to their captors after the war is over, peace is declared and the intricate problems of indemnities come up for solution.

A prisoner of war may even be paroled by his captors, and this is done sometimes when he is disabled or there are circumstances that prompt his enemies to let him go to those who are near and dear to him. When parole is granted to a prisoner he makes a solemn pledge and promise that he will live up to the terms under which he is released, and even his own nation may not ask him to perform a service that is inconsistent with that pledge.


It goes hard with the prisoner on parole who is caught fighting against the nation that released him, for he is not entitled to be treated as a prisoner of war, and the judgment meted out to him is as terrible as it is sure. Certain codes of honor are supposed to be observed even in international warfare, and a soldier who breaks his word of honor is considered the most despicable of men.

POW Camps in Germany

"Among the biggest camps within Germany were Limburg, Heilsberg, Schneidemühl, Gardelegen, Merseburg, Lamsdorf, Neuhammer, Münster, Friedrichsfeld, Güstrow, Parchim, Hameln, Soltau, Cassel-Niederzwehren, Worms, Danzig-Troyl, Hammerstein, Darmstadt, Tuchel, Saarbrücken and Senne, to each of which over twenty thousand prisoners were assigned."    International Encyclopedia of the First World War



POW Camp Life

Food in German POW Camps

"The food in all of these camps for civilians and private soldiers was about the same.  It consisted of an allowance of bread of the same weight as given to the civilian population,  This was given out in the morning with a cup of something called coffee, but which I reality was an extract of acorns or something of the kind without milk or sugar: in the middle of the day a bowl of thick soup in which the quantity of meat was gradually diminished as the was went on, as well as the amount of potatoes for which at a later period turnips and carrots were, to a large extent, substituted; and in the evening in some of the better camps there was some sort of thick soup given out or an apple, or an almost infinitesimal piece of cheese or sausage."

Dr. Caldwell, the sanitary expert, known for his great work in Serbia, now I believe the head of the hospital at Pittsburgh, reported in regard to the prisoner's diet:  "While of good quality and perhaps sufficient in quantity by weight, it is lacking particularly in fat and protein content which is especially desirable during the colder months of the year."

"My Four Years in Germany" by Ambassador James W. Gerard, 1917.


About 8,000,000 men were in POW camps at the end of WW1.  The Germans held 2.5 million, Russia had 2.9 POWs, France and Great Britain had about 750,000 and the US held 48,000.  Prison conditions in Russia were particularly bad due to the food shortages and starvation was common for both prisoners and civilians.  Ambassador Gerard reported especially harsh conditions for prisoners held in Germany.  The Germans were known to have held large numbers of prisoners in open fields with the stronger prisoners put to work constructing the infrastructure of the camps. 

Typhus was rampant in the camps in the first years of the war.  The typhus outbreaks resulted in more sanitary conditions and the prisoners were deloused and disinfected as soon as they were interned.  Typhus was common in 1915 and the Spanish Influenza epidemic occurred in 1918.  One of the main medical issues were men injured on the battlefields.  The 1906 Geneva Convention required injured men to be treated with medical care.  The medical care was limited due to shortages of cotton and medical supplies.

Prisoner Labor

Prisoners were confined with sentry towers, barbed wire, and armed guards but often the POWs spent their time on the labor front in farming and quarry work.  Over 25,000 German POWs died during the construction of the Murmansk railroad.  The death rate of prisoners held by Germany was 29%.  Death came from Typhus, battle wounds, malnutrition, tuberculosis, cholera, overwork, abuse, and the flu pandemic.

Prisoners served as manual labor for building roads, manufacturing, trench building, and even served as sanitary crews clearing the aftermath of battles.

Neutral states, Spain, and Switzerland acted as protecting powers, inspecting camps, and investigating complaints.  The International Red Cross played an important role and set up a Prisoner of War Agency to locate men reported missing or taken prisoner.  They maintain a "Prisoners of the First World War database" at https://grandeguerre.icrc.org/

Officers generally received better treatment but nationalism and the prejudice of the times prevailed.